Claire has started saying "uh-ohhhhhh". It's darling. I didn't teach it to her, she just started using the phrase one day. And yesterday, she started using it in the right context. For the last week, I kept hearing uh-ohs around the house, and would turn in expectation of a spill or break or injury... but no, just a blankie or a baby or a toy. But she got it yesterday! We were outside, and I was feeding them cookies as they ran around playing. I accidentally dropped one on the pavement, and got a huge and exhuberant UH-OHHHHHH from Claire. Then she picked up the dirty cookie and ate it. Uh oh.
Aubrey mimics, saying sweet little oh-ohs, but more because I think she likes the sound it makes. Her latest mastered word/concept is "bye!". She says it in such a cute way, too. We'll be discussing leaving or going somewhere, and all of the sudden she'll lift up her little hand and wave it Miss America style and lilt "bye!"! Claire isn't far behind on this one, although she usually says bye in more of a question.
We finally, finally got some sunny weather, and so we took the girls our to my folks' house to play on vast and wide expanses of grass. We also bought them a little 3-ring wading pool, which we set in the sun, filled with a few inches of warm water, and let the girls attack with gusto (after slathering them with SPF 50; you can never be too careful). They LOVED it! Giggling, splashing, jumping in, jumping out, pouring water on each other, and giggling some more. Oh, how I love summer weather! And those two little monkeys got TAN. Even with the SPF 50. I think Aubrey will be hispanic by the end of summer. I got one spot of sunburn on my shoulder. I may have enough color to NOT clear the beaches of southern California by the time we go next month. Maybe.
And finally, the big challenge. Well, two of them. First is discipline. We have to very, very different little girls that we've been entrusted to train up. This past week, little Aubrey has really started to show her independence and test our limits. She has no fear of anything, and is almost completely devoid of that common toddler instinct that drives Claire to hang on my pantleg anywhere we go outside of the condo. Instead, Miss Independent will run as far and as fast as possible, and when I call her to stop, she'll give me a little impish look. What are you going to do about it, mama? Can't catch me! And she'll run again.
Suffice it to say, we've begun to employ spankings for direct and willful disobedience, especially in the area of not coming when she's called. I have terrible visions of this type of disobedience on the street or on the top of our cement staircase, and even though I hate to administer the swats on her bare thigh, it's working.
Claire, on the other hand, merely has to be looked at crossly and she bursts into tears. (Well, sometimes she's more testy than that, but not usually). I'm glad both my girls aren't limit testers, but it is hard for me to treat them differently. But I must. And I must continue to look for ways of communicating to each of them in ways they understand, both in discipline and instruction, as what works for Aubrey won't work for Claire and visa versa. I feel like I am making progress, and then bam- a new defiance or challege or ability and they have me running again.
And the other big challenge is actually a small one. Our condo. I am so thankful for the choice that Ryan and I have made for me to stay home with the girls. I wouldn't change it for any size of house or any manner of posession. But as the girls grow and are active, our little two-bedroom upper floor condo is seeming to get smaller and smaller. Our complex doesn't have large grassy areas for the girls to play on, nor is there a park that we can walk to. And that makes me feel really caged in. The market is upside-down, and so we can't sell the condo without taking a significant loss, which we can't afford. And so I feel a bit stuck. I realize that the girls will take their cues from Ryan and I, and so I am determined to make this the most fun and special place to live while we're here. But if any of you, dear readers, have ideas on how to make a small space feel larger, I'd love your input. We will continue to pray that God will open up an opportunity for us to move, whether it be to sell the condo or maybe even care for a house in lieu of rent. I have no idea. God knows our needs, and if we're in this home right now, it must be because we don't need more room today. I need to be creative, energetic, and grateful.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
So many new things, so little time!
I realize that it has been awhile since I wrote a new post. I have many excuses for this, not the least of which are two busy, beautiful, boisterous little girls that keep me too occupied to post to my blog. However... they have finally hit the "learning" stage. When I was a nanny, the sweet little Meghan was about the girls' age, and I remember being so amazed that she would literally do or say something new every single day that I watched her. My friend Melinda said the same of her little cutie Grace at this age, too. And it is so true! It seems that Aubrey and Claire are growing in cognative ability by leaps and bounds. Here are some of the latest, and the cutest:
My little observer and helper. About a week ago, the girls were playing outside on the deck. Spring has been rather cold here, but trying to take advantage of the sunshine I sent them outside in short sleeves hoping some vitamin D would sink in. A few minutes later Aubrey comes running in, beelines past me, and zooms to her room. The girl is fast. She must get that from soccer-playing daddy. She runs back out with her coat, wanting me to put it on her. I do. Instead of running outside, she runs back in her room. And comes out. With Claire's coat. And I put it on Claire. And Aubrey runs back again, this time to return with Claire's pacifier. Ok. Are we all set? Yes, back outside again.
The following day, Claire was having a particularly loud and drama-infused whining session around the dinner hour, before dinner, of course. Well, Aubrey had had enough. She ran back to her room, to escape, I thought. And then back out she came, ran over to Claire, and shoved Claire's paci right in her mouth. Peace and quiet for all, for the moment. Later that night, about an hour after we put the girls to bed, I hear a voice.
A little, sing-songy voice. They usually konck out within about 15 minutes of bedtime, so this is rare. Did we lose a paci? Did Little Pink fall overboard? I creep in to check on my sweethearts. Claire is completely passed out, snoozing away in her nest of blankies. And little Aubrey is sitting in her crib, cross-legged, shoulders wrapped in Little Pink. And she sings "bob-reeeee, bob-reeeeee, bob-bob, reeeeeee!". (She was singing a song to herself, about herself. Absolutely darling.)
Since our spring has been rather rainy, we've taken the opportunity to enjoy some snuggle time. For example, the other day the girls and I checked out Gigi from the library and popped it in the DVD player. It was pouring, stormy grey, and gloomy outside, but we had a divine time sitting on the couch, singing along and relaxing together. Aubrey sat on my tummy and leaned back against my chest, and Claire settled snugly into my arms. Is this bliss, or what? Amazing.
Latest Words: I'm tryint to teach my darlings some manners. They are getting really good at saying Thank You (thub-thub -Claire- and doop-doop -Aubrey-). Please is the occasional haaaaaa... Aubrey is fluent in ni-ni (ni-night), amem (amen), bye, mummies (yummy, as in food) which she repeats like a calling bird until she gets fed. Shuushhhh (juice), ssssssuh (shoe)
my tender hearted drama queen. Another night, I again heard a sweet voice fill the nursery air. This time, it was Clairsie. My eyes literally welled up with tears as I crept in to see her sitting in her crib, cradling her stuffed puppy, stroking its ears and singing softly to it. She wasn't affected at all by my entrance, she just glanced up, smiled, and kept singing to her little friend. The next morning, she toddled out to me while I was making breakfast and showed me her sweet baby: she cooed and rocked it and stroked its head. Beeee-beeee, she said.
She also is the go-to gal for over-reactions in our household. If we have to take something away, or it is bedtime, or she is hungry, or even mildly depressed, we all are prevy to a fantastic display of shrieking, flopping, rolling, re-flopping, stomping, kicking, screeching, and re-flopping. Tornados and hurricanes have nothing on this force of nature.
Latest words: gucky (ducky), buh (bye-bye), and lots and lots of babbling. The most adorable sweet nothings you'd ever hear. She gets the expressions right - furrowed brows, intonation in her voice, timing, etc, but no inteligable words yet. Hearing her "speak" is such great entertainment.
My girls love to keep track of the school bus. It stops right in front of the condo, and they daily wave hello and goodbye to the kids. If they hear a bus or loud car, they immediately start to wave and say buh (bye?).
If they want to be picked up, Aubrey will run up and stick her skinny little arms straight up into the sky and stomp her little feet until you pick her up. Claire will come along, whine, cry, and hang on your pantleg until you surrender. They love to hug and kiss. Claire loves to "hug" Aubrey; she'll run up and tackle her and little Aubrey will just take it, until she gets bored of being hugged and whimpers to be released. It is so sweet to be kissed by a one-year-old! I can't get enough baby kisses.
When we're out and about, their personalities really come out. Aubrey is content to sit and watch the world go by from her stroller, and Claire can't stand it until she gets to get out and push the stroller. Aubrey likes car rides, and I have to wrestle Claire into her seatbelt, every time.
They have tasted, and loved, their first steak and rice-a-roni. I gave them new haircuts (darling little stacked bobs). The adore pushing their baby strollers around the complex. Well, about half way around. The rest of the time I carry the babies and the strollers while trying to hold each of their hands. We're working on this.
All in all, I think I could write a book (and have; thank you for hanging in, dear readers) about the new things my girls are doing. I will try to post more often, as this blog is mainly so I don't forget!
My little observer and helper. About a week ago, the girls were playing outside on the deck. Spring has been rather cold here, but trying to take advantage of the sunshine I sent them outside in short sleeves hoping some vitamin D would sink in. A few minutes later Aubrey comes running in, beelines past me, and zooms to her room. The girl is fast. She must get that from soccer-playing daddy. She runs back out with her coat, wanting me to put it on her. I do. Instead of running outside, she runs back in her room. And comes out. With Claire's coat. And I put it on Claire. And Aubrey runs back again, this time to return with Claire's pacifier. Ok. Are we all set? Yes, back outside again.
The following day, Claire was having a particularly loud and drama-infused whining session around the dinner hour, before dinner, of course. Well, Aubrey had had enough. She ran back to her room, to escape, I thought. And then back out she came, ran over to Claire, and shoved Claire's paci right in her mouth. Peace and quiet for all, for the moment. Later that night, about an hour after we put the girls to bed, I hear a voice.
A little, sing-songy voice. They usually konck out within about 15 minutes of bedtime, so this is rare. Did we lose a paci? Did Little Pink fall overboard? I creep in to check on my sweethearts. Claire is completely passed out, snoozing away in her nest of blankies. And little Aubrey is sitting in her crib, cross-legged, shoulders wrapped in Little Pink. And she sings "bob-reeeee, bob-reeeeee, bob-bob, reeeeeee!". (She was singing a song to herself, about herself. Absolutely darling.)
Since our spring has been rather rainy, we've taken the opportunity to enjoy some snuggle time. For example, the other day the girls and I checked out Gigi from the library and popped it in the DVD player. It was pouring, stormy grey, and gloomy outside, but we had a divine time sitting on the couch, singing along and relaxing together. Aubrey sat on my tummy and leaned back against my chest, and Claire settled snugly into my arms. Is this bliss, or what? Amazing.
Latest Words: I'm tryint to teach my darlings some manners. They are getting really good at saying Thank You (thub-thub -Claire- and doop-doop -Aubrey-). Please is the occasional haaaaaa... Aubrey is fluent in ni-ni (ni-night), amem (amen), bye, mummies (yummy, as in food) which she repeats like a calling bird until she gets fed. Shuushhhh (juice), ssssssuh (shoe)
my tender hearted drama queen. Another night, I again heard a sweet voice fill the nursery air. This time, it was Clairsie. My eyes literally welled up with tears as I crept in to see her sitting in her crib, cradling her stuffed puppy, stroking its ears and singing softly to it. She wasn't affected at all by my entrance, she just glanced up, smiled, and kept singing to her little friend. The next morning, she toddled out to me while I was making breakfast and showed me her sweet baby: she cooed and rocked it and stroked its head. Beeee-beeee, she said.
She also is the go-to gal for over-reactions in our household. If we have to take something away, or it is bedtime, or she is hungry, or even mildly depressed, we all are prevy to a fantastic display of shrieking, flopping, rolling, re-flopping, stomping, kicking, screeching, and re-flopping. Tornados and hurricanes have nothing on this force of nature.
Latest words: gucky (ducky), buh (bye-bye), and lots and lots of babbling. The most adorable sweet nothings you'd ever hear. She gets the expressions right - furrowed brows, intonation in her voice, timing, etc, but no inteligable words yet. Hearing her "speak" is such great entertainment.
My girls love to keep track of the school bus. It stops right in front of the condo, and they daily wave hello and goodbye to the kids. If they hear a bus or loud car, they immediately start to wave and say buh (bye?).
If they want to be picked up, Aubrey will run up and stick her skinny little arms straight up into the sky and stomp her little feet until you pick her up. Claire will come along, whine, cry, and hang on your pantleg until you surrender. They love to hug and kiss. Claire loves to "hug" Aubrey; she'll run up and tackle her and little Aubrey will just take it, until she gets bored of being hugged and whimpers to be released. It is so sweet to be kissed by a one-year-old! I can't get enough baby kisses.
When we're out and about, their personalities really come out. Aubrey is content to sit and watch the world go by from her stroller, and Claire can't stand it until she gets to get out and push the stroller. Aubrey likes car rides, and I have to wrestle Claire into her seatbelt, every time.
They have tasted, and loved, their first steak and rice-a-roni. I gave them new haircuts (darling little stacked bobs). The adore pushing their baby strollers around the complex. Well, about half way around. The rest of the time I carry the babies and the strollers while trying to hold each of their hands. We're working on this.
All in all, I think I could write a book (and have; thank you for hanging in, dear readers) about the new things my girls are doing. I will try to post more often, as this blog is mainly so I don't forget!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Focus, Stacy - Focus!
This will be a short post as the girls are waking up as I type. I have decided that while there are dozens of hobbies that I want to try, things I want to get good at, that there are only so many hours in the week and chances for me to actually attempt a hobby. So, I have decided to focus on my favorite two: sewing and photography.
Sewing: I LOVE this. Taking a flat piece of fabric and designing and crafting something beautiful out of it is thrilling to me! As I become a more proficient seamstress, I can not only make many clothes for the girls, but I can make things for myself as well. I'm dying to try a cute fitted jacket. I can continue to decorate our home, and make practical things beautiful. And I can make money through sewing, when people hire me to do home decor items or diapers. Plus, I just recieved as a gift the most amazing sewing/embroidery machine and I have yet to learn the embroidery part. I'm almost afraid to touch the new Kenmore, lest I'll break it.
Photography: my cousin Jayme introduced me to PSE (photoshop elements) and "actions" basically, things you download and then use to make your photos look professionally done. (Doesn't that sound like I know what I'm talking about? Right!) There is a forum she is a part of that I may join, just to learn from what other people are doing and attempt it myself. I decided that dedicating a few hours each week to making sure I have not only recent, but edited and completed, photos of the girls and our family will help me keep track of these wonderful moments that I want to remember. I would rather have 1 photo per week that I love than dozens of snapshots that I will just end up deleting anyway (bad lighting, out of focus, weird faces, etc etc).
So, here begins hobby week #1! My goal: join clickn' moms, and make two dresses for the girls (and post pics of them to this blog). Here we go! And yes, I better go, the girls are "calling" me.
Sewing: I LOVE this. Taking a flat piece of fabric and designing and crafting something beautiful out of it is thrilling to me! As I become a more proficient seamstress, I can not only make many clothes for the girls, but I can make things for myself as well. I'm dying to try a cute fitted jacket. I can continue to decorate our home, and make practical things beautiful. And I can make money through sewing, when people hire me to do home decor items or diapers. Plus, I just recieved as a gift the most amazing sewing/embroidery machine and I have yet to learn the embroidery part. I'm almost afraid to touch the new Kenmore, lest I'll break it.
Photography: my cousin Jayme introduced me to PSE (photoshop elements) and "actions" basically, things you download and then use to make your photos look professionally done. (Doesn't that sound like I know what I'm talking about? Right!) There is a forum she is a part of that I may join, just to learn from what other people are doing and attempt it myself. I decided that dedicating a few hours each week to making sure I have not only recent, but edited and completed, photos of the girls and our family will help me keep track of these wonderful moments that I want to remember. I would rather have 1 photo per week that I love than dozens of snapshots that I will just end up deleting anyway (bad lighting, out of focus, weird faces, etc etc).
So, here begins hobby week #1! My goal: join clickn' moms, and make two dresses for the girls (and post pics of them to this blog). Here we go! And yes, I better go, the girls are "calling" me.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Toddler Talk
The girls are finally starting to talk! On one hand, I'm really excited. I will gladly exchange words for frustrated screams, cries, grunts and pointing. However, I also realize that once they start talking, they won't stop and so I am glad they are starting at a gradual pace.
Aubrey's vocabulary repitoire: mem (Amen), naanaa (nigh-night), bou (ball), dees (this, blanket, yes, we're not quite sure), bebebebe (baby), bobree (Aubrey), mamamama (mama)
Claire's exuberant expressions: baao! (plane, bird, balloon, anything that flies), ba (ball), buuube (bubble), Aaadeee (Aubrey), daadeee (daddy), beebee (baby), wow-wow-wow (wow, wow, wow), maaameee (mommy), muh (more), bu (bye)
And they communicate so well in other ways, too. Tonight when we were tucking them in, we said, "say goodnight, girls!". Simultaneously, Aubrey said naanaa and Claire waved (her way of saying nigh-night). So cute! Toddler talk, or the attempts and practicing thereof, have left an indellible mark on me as well. As I finished my sewing for the evening, I literally stopped myself from saying, "Nigh-night, sewing machines!"
Aubrey's vocabulary repitoire: mem (Amen), naanaa (nigh-night), bou (ball), dees (this, blanket, yes, we're not quite sure), bebebebe (baby), bobree (Aubrey), mamamama (mama)
Claire's exuberant expressions: baao! (plane, bird, balloon, anything that flies), ba (ball), buuube (bubble), Aaadeee (Aubrey), daadeee (daddy), beebee (baby), wow-wow-wow (wow, wow, wow), maaameee (mommy), muh (more), bu (bye)
And they communicate so well in other ways, too. Tonight when we were tucking them in, we said, "say goodnight, girls!". Simultaneously, Aubrey said naanaa and Claire waved (her way of saying nigh-night). So cute! Toddler talk, or the attempts and practicing thereof, have left an indellible mark on me as well. As I finished my sewing for the evening, I literally stopped myself from saying, "Nigh-night, sewing machines!"
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Simple moments
Sweet little girls out for a walk with mommy. Aubrey in a striped terry hoodie, Claire in polka dots. The sun shining down, a gentle breeze blowing just fast enough to send feathery hair flying. Aubrey sees two pigeons waddling down the drive and squeals with delight while pulling her little hand free from mine. She runs after them, sloppy steps catch her up and - tumble over and down on the pavement. And she cracks up laughing at her stumble; gets up, and holds hands with mommy again.
We hear a noise overhead, and Claire scrunches up her tiny hand, points one pudgy finger out and exlaims loudly (and deliberately), "BBBBBBAAAAHHHHHHHHH!". Apparently, Bah is anything that flies. A plane, a bird, a balloon. This time, it was a plane. She cranes her neck back to follow its arc across the sky, grinning from ear to ear. She is content to hold mommy's hand the whole time.
We proceed to the flower beds, where tulips entice and fascinate. Chubby baby fingers stroke velvety soft petals with sheer wonder. The curb is painted a vibrant yellow. We step up. We step down, and up again. Big steps, nearly half their little leg length. This is serious exercise!
Around to the pool, which is closed for the winter but we gaze and dream and reach down to pet the fuzzy grass. Feel that grass! Look how it moves when I pull on the ends! We're waving at the big bushes now, the same wave as nigh-night or bye-bye and it makes mommy a little creeped out that there may be someone in the bushes that she can't see and we move on.
Aubrey the Independent runs 20 paces ahead, stops, turns around to make sure I'm still tracking her, and just smiles mischieviously. Three "come to mommy"s later, and she's holding hands again. Claire just likes walking with mommy, watching Aubrey be adventurous.
We spent an entire hour walking one loop around the complex. There is something so beautiful and right about letting these little ones be little. Not to rush them to and fro, but to watch them in amazement as they explore their little worlds in the safety and love of mommy's gaze. My life is now made up of these simple moments daily, and it is a miracle. My heart truly breaks for friends and family who are content to leave their kids in a daycare center and miss moments like this. They are lived once, and we won't get them back.
We hear a noise overhead, and Claire scrunches up her tiny hand, points one pudgy finger out and exlaims loudly (and deliberately), "BBBBBBAAAAHHHHHHHHH!". Apparently, Bah is anything that flies. A plane, a bird, a balloon. This time, it was a plane. She cranes her neck back to follow its arc across the sky, grinning from ear to ear. She is content to hold mommy's hand the whole time.
We proceed to the flower beds, where tulips entice and fascinate. Chubby baby fingers stroke velvety soft petals with sheer wonder. The curb is painted a vibrant yellow. We step up. We step down, and up again. Big steps, nearly half their little leg length. This is serious exercise!
Around to the pool, which is closed for the winter but we gaze and dream and reach down to pet the fuzzy grass. Feel that grass! Look how it moves when I pull on the ends! We're waving at the big bushes now, the same wave as nigh-night or bye-bye and it makes mommy a little creeped out that there may be someone in the bushes that she can't see and we move on.
Aubrey the Independent runs 20 paces ahead, stops, turns around to make sure I'm still tracking her, and just smiles mischieviously. Three "come to mommy"s later, and she's holding hands again. Claire just likes walking with mommy, watching Aubrey be adventurous.
We spent an entire hour walking one loop around the complex. There is something so beautiful and right about letting these little ones be little. Not to rush them to and fro, but to watch them in amazement as they explore their little worlds in the safety and love of mommy's gaze. My life is now made up of these simple moments daily, and it is a miracle. My heart truly breaks for friends and family who are content to leave their kids in a daycare center and miss moments like this. They are lived once, and we won't get them back.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Something happened to my brain...
... when I gave birth to the girls. I think it came out in the amniotic fluid. Boy, do I miss it! I was just re-reading my IVF/pregnancy blog the other day, thinking, wow - this is really interesting and fairly well-written!
And now, our lives are infinitely more interesting/complicated/invigorating/exhausting now, but I can't seem to remember what I was planning on blogging about, or if I do, I can't find the words to make it flowery. So here's my best shot for today:
Girls woke up early, sleepy, crying. Girls kept crying and fell over lots of things. Girls got in fight. Girls took early nap. Girls woke up early from early nap. Mommy is so tired and dizzy she can't see straight today. All of us went to mall to look at nothing in particular.
Girls pushed stroller at mall, tripping every 5 steps while trying to see everything. Girls had meltdown on way out of JCPenney because I said "no jewelry". Girls were cute at lunch, wolfing down hotdogs. Girls wanted up. Girls wanted down. Girls ran around, crying again. Girls saw bottles and blankies and cried with joy, I think. Girls took nap.
Sorry, dear readers. I am trying...
And now, our lives are infinitely more interesting/complicated/invigorating/exhausting now, but I can't seem to remember what I was planning on blogging about, or if I do, I can't find the words to make it flowery. So here's my best shot for today:
Girls woke up early, sleepy, crying. Girls kept crying and fell over lots of things. Girls got in fight. Girls took early nap. Girls woke up early from early nap. Mommy is so tired and dizzy she can't see straight today. All of us went to mall to look at nothing in particular.
Girls pushed stroller at mall, tripping every 5 steps while trying to see everything. Girls had meltdown on way out of JCPenney because I said "no jewelry". Girls were cute at lunch, wolfing down hotdogs. Girls wanted up. Girls wanted down. Girls ran around, crying again. Girls saw bottles and blankies and cried with joy, I think. Girls took nap.
Sorry, dear readers. I am trying...
Monday, April 19, 2010
Aubrey loves the swing
My little Aubrey has the sweetest spirit about her. There is something in the way that she moves, her normal tone of voice, her impish little looks - something that is altogether sweet and lovely, gracious and graceful. A quietness that speaks of a wise soul, an interested observance and deep understanding of her world.
I was pushing her in the swing at our little playground today and it dawned on me that she is a baby no longer. Her fuzzy, normaly unruly hair fluttered in the breeze; her bangs held off her face with a delicate lavendar bow. Purple is a wonderful color on her; it makes her eyes look sea-green and her olive complextion shine. Her matching purple-and-green argyle knee socks flew as she kicked her little legs through the air. And I thought her choice of bright orange sparkly necklace was the perfect "non-matchy-matchy" accessory to contrast with her purple shirt. The girl has style.
But her lovliness came through in the glint in her eyes, and soft little giggles as she held on tight to that bucket swing and sailed back and forth, back and forth. While Claire seems to wear her heart on her sleeve, I have really looked forward to this with Aubrey: the ability for her, as she grows out of babyhood, to be able to communicate with me what's going on inside of her. And so while it is sad to miss little baby Aubrey, I am loving getting to know my darling little girl Aubrey more each passing day.
I was pushing her in the swing at our little playground today and it dawned on me that she is a baby no longer. Her fuzzy, normaly unruly hair fluttered in the breeze; her bangs held off her face with a delicate lavendar bow. Purple is a wonderful color on her; it makes her eyes look sea-green and her olive complextion shine. Her matching purple-and-green argyle knee socks flew as she kicked her little legs through the air. And I thought her choice of bright orange sparkly necklace was the perfect "non-matchy-matchy" accessory to contrast with her purple shirt. The girl has style.
But her lovliness came through in the glint in her eyes, and soft little giggles as she held on tight to that bucket swing and sailed back and forth, back and forth. While Claire seems to wear her heart on her sleeve, I have really looked forward to this with Aubrey: the ability for her, as she grows out of babyhood, to be able to communicate with me what's going on inside of her. And so while it is sad to miss little baby Aubrey, I am loving getting to know my darling little girl Aubrey more each passing day.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So thankful for today.
We had a simply wonderful day. It was simple, and it was wonderful. We spend the gloriously sunny afternoon at my folks' house. The girls adore Grama and Boompa and started clapping as soon as we turned down the driveway! Claire and Aubrey really are spoiled; they have the most wonderful grandparents any kids could ask for - on both sides of the family! What a blessing!
They enjoyed swinging in their dolphin swing hanging from Grandpa Wilson's Tree, and watching Lucky the Dog, and dancing to the cool 70s tunes playing on Uncle Sam's Record Player. They pushed each other around in the dolly stroller, and ate treats and ran around on the deck. Grama and Boompa took them for a rambling walk to hear the frogs in the pond and the birdies in the trees, and to smell the freshness of a sunny spring day. Little Aubrey was so cute sitting in her stroller with her stylish pink sunglasses on, her blankie "little pink" clutched in one hand, and her other little hand raised up SO high waving at me with her tiny little fingers as they walked by.
Ryan and I detailed our sweet ride (hey, if we can't buy a newer car, we might as well make our old one look new!) and then Uncle Joey grilled up some great burgers. My family life is, amazingly, like watching a 50s sitcom sometimes. And I love it! What could be more wonderful and good and wholesome? I am so grateful that I can experience some of God's greatest blessings through the warmth, love and sincerity of my family.
They enjoyed swinging in their dolphin swing hanging from Grandpa Wilson's Tree, and watching Lucky the Dog, and dancing to the cool 70s tunes playing on Uncle Sam's Record Player. They pushed each other around in the dolly stroller, and ate treats and ran around on the deck. Grama and Boompa took them for a rambling walk to hear the frogs in the pond and the birdies in the trees, and to smell the freshness of a sunny spring day. Little Aubrey was so cute sitting in her stroller with her stylish pink sunglasses on, her blankie "little pink" clutched in one hand, and her other little hand raised up SO high waving at me with her tiny little fingers as they walked by.
Ryan and I detailed our sweet ride (hey, if we can't buy a newer car, we might as well make our old one look new!) and then Uncle Joey grilled up some great burgers. My family life is, amazingly, like watching a 50s sitcom sometimes. And I love it! What could be more wonderful and good and wholesome? I am so grateful that I can experience some of God's greatest blessings through the warmth, love and sincerity of my family.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Sweetness at the shoe shop
Little Claire is getting 4 molars right now. I cannot imagine how painful that must be. She has been walking around the house, literally holding her pudgy hands to her chubby cheeks and wimpering. As soon as she sees the Baby Tylenol bottle come out, she spits her pacifier across the room in anticipation of this wonderful new treat; and let's not even get started on the joys of Baby Orajel!
I had to run a few errands this morning, and so Ryan stayed home with the girls. He told me later that after I left, Claire was sitting on the floor of the living room, holding her blankie and crying. He tried to comfort her, but she just looked up at him with tearful eyes, and waved "bye-bye". Oh, how that tugs at my heart-strings, to know that my little girl missed me!
So, this afternoon, I took Clairsie with me to DSW (my new favorite store). It's rare that I get to go somewhere, especially shopping, with just one of the girls, and I really enjoy the one-on-one time I get when I do. It's so interesting, to observe them while they take in their new surroundings to see what brings a smile to their face or a little giggle. And it's truly amazing, the freedom of having just one little one to carry and keep track of.
I wish I had my camera with me, to capture this cute little pint-sized sweetheart, dressed in khaki cargo capri pants, bright pink top, matching Mary Janes, and her favorite accessories - sparkly necklaces - as she half-toddled, half-ran down the aisles with me. She carried my keys, she searched my purse, she looked at herself in the footstool mirrors.
She emptied shoe boxes, she banged on the clearance racks. She waved hello and goodbye to everyone we passed. She got scared of the salesman and burried her face in my knees, she fought for her freedom when I told her to stay. She wanted up, she wanted down. Such a busy little explorer! She smiled and laughed at - well, I'm not quite sure what. She pointed out "Ba!!!" at every light.
I didn't find the shoes I was after, but I so enjoyed being with my little Clairsie-bear this afternoon. I can't imagine a better companion than one of my little girls.
I had to run a few errands this morning, and so Ryan stayed home with the girls. He told me later that after I left, Claire was sitting on the floor of the living room, holding her blankie and crying. He tried to comfort her, but she just looked up at him with tearful eyes, and waved "bye-bye". Oh, how that tugs at my heart-strings, to know that my little girl missed me!
So, this afternoon, I took Clairsie with me to DSW (my new favorite store). It's rare that I get to go somewhere, especially shopping, with just one of the girls, and I really enjoy the one-on-one time I get when I do. It's so interesting, to observe them while they take in their new surroundings to see what brings a smile to their face or a little giggle. And it's truly amazing, the freedom of having just one little one to carry and keep track of.
I wish I had my camera with me, to capture this cute little pint-sized sweetheart, dressed in khaki cargo capri pants, bright pink top, matching Mary Janes, and her favorite accessories - sparkly necklaces - as she half-toddled, half-ran down the aisles with me. She carried my keys, she searched my purse, she looked at herself in the footstool mirrors.
She emptied shoe boxes, she banged on the clearance racks. She waved hello and goodbye to everyone we passed. She got scared of the salesman and burried her face in my knees, she fought for her freedom when I told her to stay. She wanted up, she wanted down. Such a busy little explorer! She smiled and laughed at - well, I'm not quite sure what. She pointed out "Ba!!!" at every light.
I didn't find the shoes I was after, but I so enjoyed being with my little Clairsie-bear this afternoon. I can't imagine a better companion than one of my little girls.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Astounding savings!
I have become a coupon addict. I promise that this blog will not become all about shopping, all the time, but I just can't resist posting the great deals and steals that I find when I find them! This whole obsession began by Ryan and I finally completing step 3 of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover: save up 6 months of expenses in an Emergency Fund. It took us 2 years, but we did it! WhaHOO, what an accomplishment!
Steps 4, 5, and 6 are Save 15% of Income for Retirement, Save for Kids' College, and Pay Down the Mortgage. Ugh. We realized that our family budget is simply too tight to afford step 4, let alone the others. So we decided to look at our spending from every angle and see where we could make, not find, the room to save for retirement. And that's when a link to CouponConnectionsNW came across my facebook thread!
I was amazed that people could get things for free, legally, and often! But I was skeptical. However, I thought - if I can learn this, do it well, slash our food and household budgets in half (or more), and get free products what do I have to lose? So, Amber from CCNW came over and did a class at our house, teaching me and some friends how to become Couponistas!
This has been my first week, as a baby couponista, toddling my way through savings. And here are just some of the amazing results:
2 Scrubbing Bubbles spray cleaners
4 spray cleaner refills
2 boxes of Tampax tampons
1 Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaners
4 boxes Ziploc 1-qt storage bags
2 55-oz Arm&Hammer laundry detergent
3 boxes Quaker instant oatmeal
1 box Cheerios
1 box Trix
Retail Value: $91.27
Amount I paid after coupons, rebates, and refunds: $6.94
Total Savings: $84.33!!!
Now, some of these items I needed, and some I didn't but I got them because I actually MADE money by buying them, and I got to begin a stockpile of cleaning supplies and food so that when I need them, I have purchased them at rock-bottom prices instead of running out to the store to get them for retail.
Dear readers: if I can do this, YOU can do this! It just takes a little time and patience to learn how but come on, isn't it worth it?
Steps 4, 5, and 6 are Save 15% of Income for Retirement, Save for Kids' College, and Pay Down the Mortgage. Ugh. We realized that our family budget is simply too tight to afford step 4, let alone the others. So we decided to look at our spending from every angle and see where we could make, not find, the room to save for retirement. And that's when a link to CouponConnectionsNW came across my facebook thread!
I was amazed that people could get things for free, legally, and often! But I was skeptical. However, I thought - if I can learn this, do it well, slash our food and household budgets in half (or more), and get free products what do I have to lose? So, Amber from CCNW came over and did a class at our house, teaching me and some friends how to become Couponistas!
This has been my first week, as a baby couponista, toddling my way through savings. And here are just some of the amazing results:
2 Scrubbing Bubbles spray cleaners
4 spray cleaner refills
2 boxes of Tampax tampons
1 Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaners
4 boxes Ziploc 1-qt storage bags
2 55-oz Arm&Hammer laundry detergent
3 boxes Quaker instant oatmeal
1 box Cheerios
1 box Trix
Retail Value: $91.27
Amount I paid after coupons, rebates, and refunds: $6.94
Total Savings: $84.33!!!
Now, some of these items I needed, and some I didn't but I got them because I actually MADE money by buying them, and I got to begin a stockpile of cleaning supplies and food so that when I need them, I have purchased them at rock-bottom prices instead of running out to the store to get them for retail.
Dear readers: if I can do this, YOU can do this! It just takes a little time and patience to learn how but come on, isn't it worth it?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Finally, just a moment!
I have been intending on starting this blog for about a year now. I loved blogging about our IVF journey; it was such therapy for me while going through that process! But lately I have wanted to start this blog, a blog about our life. I want to try to capture the little moments that happen each day, whether good or bad, funny or sad.
Most times, I will probably have just a moment to write, so posts may be short. But then there may be moments that need a great deal of time and care to record. Overall, this is my effort to keep all the moments from blending together and speeding away, never to be remembered by me or anyone else as our lives pass by in a moment.
Most times, I will probably have just a moment to write, so posts may be short. But then there may be moments that need a great deal of time and care to record. Overall, this is my effort to keep all the moments from blending together and speeding away, never to be remembered by me or anyone else as our lives pass by in a moment.
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