Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Something happened to my brain...

... when I gave birth to the girls. I think it came out in the amniotic fluid. Boy, do I miss it! I was just re-reading my IVF/pregnancy blog the other day, thinking, wow - this is really interesting and fairly well-written!

And now, our lives are infinitely more interesting/complicated/invigorating/exhausting now, but I can't seem to remember what I was planning on blogging about, or if I do, I can't find the words to make it flowery. So here's my best shot for today:

Girls woke up early, sleepy, crying. Girls kept crying and fell over lots of things. Girls got in fight. Girls took early nap. Girls woke up early from early nap. Mommy is so tired and dizzy she can't see straight today. All of us went to mall to look at nothing in particular.

Girls pushed stroller at mall, tripping every 5 steps while trying to see everything. Girls had meltdown on way out of JCPenney because I said "no jewelry". Girls were cute at lunch, wolfing down hotdogs. Girls wanted up. Girls wanted down. Girls ran around, crying again. Girls saw bottles and blankies and cried with joy, I think. Girls took nap.

Sorry, dear readers. I am trying...

1 comment:

  1. You're funny. It happens to all of us.It's what part of being a mommy is all about.

    Next time don't go to the mall, call me and we can have a play date.
