Monday, May 17, 2010

Focus, Stacy - Focus!

This will be a short post as the girls are waking up as I type. I have decided that while there are dozens of hobbies that I want to try, things I want to get good at, that there are only so many hours in the week and chances for me to actually attempt a hobby. So, I have decided to focus on my favorite two: sewing and photography.

Sewing: I LOVE this. Taking a flat piece of fabric and designing and crafting something beautiful out of it is thrilling to me! As I become a more proficient seamstress, I can not only make many clothes for the girls, but I can make things for myself as well. I'm dying to try a cute fitted jacket. I can continue to decorate our home, and make practical things beautiful. And I can make money through sewing, when people hire me to do home decor items or diapers. Plus, I just recieved as a gift the most amazing sewing/embroidery machine and I have yet to learn the embroidery part. I'm almost afraid to touch the new Kenmore, lest I'll break it.

Photography: my cousin Jayme introduced me to PSE (photoshop elements) and "actions" basically, things you download and then use to make your photos look professionally done. (Doesn't that sound like I know what I'm talking about? Right!) There is a forum she is a part of that I may join, just to learn from what other people are doing and attempt it myself. I decided that dedicating a few hours each week to making sure I have not only recent, but edited and completed, photos of the girls and our family will help me keep track of these wonderful moments that I want to remember. I would rather have 1 photo per week that I love than dozens of snapshots that I will just end up deleting anyway (bad lighting, out of focus, weird faces, etc etc).

So, here begins hobby week #1! My goal: join clickn' moms, and make two dresses for the girls (and post pics of them to this blog). Here we go! And yes, I better go, the girls are "calling" me.

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